Check Italians understand this pasta, German cars and French food. And since there is no argument about it, I decided it was time to embrace our brothers Gentiles what they do best. Eat well and get fat. right now, After the holidays, When all packets are compressed to death the rest of the meat, Fats, Carbohydrates and alcohol, I got panicked the gates Alec Giuliano, Author of the books “French Women Do not Get Fat” And “Secrets of French women and the good life” To understand what is their secret,. The books are not new especially, But at least they have highlighted some important points about eating style that most Europeans are growing it at an early age, And us is light years away. I have one at home Dutch, Differently from me and I can always stay slim. So this time I dive a new food culture, Without counting calories and without giving up anything. Curious? Click here.
They walk about with enviable ease, Always dressed to the nines and look like an ad, No matter what age. French has not yet encountered a fat or neglected, And I think to myself, Like what? What?? They do not inflate circulation? They do not have a crazy chocolate in Kriibing 12 At night? They have no fucking bad hair day?? How is it possible that every year they look like they Marie Claire, Chic destroys that, As if nothing would destroy their hairstyle. So this is, It turns out that it is possible! There is no doubt that this is the result of a very early age education at, But this culture Gentlemen. Long-standing culture, Passed on from generation to generation, Mother and daughter. All kinds of these little secrets, We did not think about them at all. (And for this book worth reading more than once and internalize everything possible) All a matter of habit. I devoured the two books, And I noticed that the majority I've pretty implementing such a nature that I (Not giving up on quality, Woody loves nature), But the rest of the tips embraced with great joy.
These are the main things that are important, If ensure their implementation, You will learn to enjoy every thing fresh and high quality of his season, Alone cook from fresh ingredients and eating right, You will not have to give up anything, Still keep the weight right.
1. I will not repeat the klishat “Drink water.”, But overall it is indeed important to drink at least 8 Glasses of water a day and give up diet soda, Soda etc.. The most important thing I took from that, It is strictly Drinking a glass of warm water with lemon on waking in the morning (Before coffee) And a regular bedtime. And another important thing – Water is of excellent quality.
2. As the water, The author did not stop to emphasize that it is very important to be a foodie and ensure the quality of the products we buy, Even if they cost a little more. Do not give up. Buy everything fresh from the market and cook only what you need every day or two. Whether it's fruit, Vegetable, bread, Chocolate or cheese. Eat what you want, but of excellent quality, Then also you will not have to scramble a lot. Enjoy every bite voraciously, But note the quantities. Lhthzr not like we're used to from home. Be gentle with food. Total Tre Chic.
3. A big difference between Americans and Europeans also seem likely to us, He quantities. For example, Coffee cups in France, Including Europe, They are very small and have few sips of coffee only. They usually drink it with a few small drops of milk or milk rich with cream, But quite a splash. Compared with the Jeep of drinking our coffee with lots of sugar.. French do not consume a lot of sugar with coffee, if any. They drink coffee almost always in the morning and at the end of each meal. No interim coffee every moment. Needless to say that coffee is a quality to those who can (Ground or from a machine) Compared to Hans cafe mass we are used to from home.
4. Sugar, for example,, Hardly consumed in them shaped sweets, Snacks and various grocery doodles, And kids are not buying. Everyone, without exception, enjoy the fresh seasonal fruit, Good dessert (But small!), Good cheese, Almond nuts and jams. Processed sweets are considered as something really cheap and quality and not enter the home. If you want to indulge in chocolate, It must be great. Preferably bitter but not must. The main thing is to have quality. Tara Boone. I've never met a Frenchwoman fell on a package of Milka chocolate as I used to do (Or rather I used) once a day.
5. Smaller glasses, Plates and smaller portions, Exchanging plates between each dose, Eat slowly, Light candles, Chatting, Show respect for dinner – Arrange a table with cloth napkins and savoring every bite. That's how it France. Oh yes, And do not eat between meals. (Three times a day).
6. French bread known phenomenon and dangerous advance. There is no doubt that all programs can get bolang every Israeli is a wall and get us panicked is needed, But no sane French example, He would not consider ever giving up bread or baguette in favor of a diet. For them this is one of life's pleasures. The slice in half a day it is completely Cool, Even with butter. Secret He did not eat bread before the first dose. Or eat it as a sandwich’ That is a meal in itself (Breakfast or lunch), Or eat it With Lunch / dinner. Never eat the beginning of the meal before eating. And no more than two slices. Eat whole wheat bread or cereal quality, And this baguette is absolutely fine if fresh. Butter is welcome.
7. Quality goat yogurt twice a day (Or at least once) Specified Cmast menu. Do not argue, Do not ask why, I've added. Do not tolerate yogurt, Add half a teaspoon of honey and swallow.
8. Two plums are also added another honor to breakfast menu. (Fresh or dried) I do not argue at all with what makes my body good.
9. Apparently French, Looking snobbery what the needs of bulk sugar like us. It's really shocking them apparently. So I swallowed the frog in favor of aristocratic culture, And changed into cubes of sugar. So consume less. Life.
10. Even with the salt turns out not deal there too. Is gaining volume of liquid helium balloons us as before birthday. So internalized quietly despite my penchant marinate. I spicing with herbs like the book says it's really not bad. Just a matter of habit. Indeed annoying swelling to dissipate slowly.
11.Include a glass of wine for a meal once a day and you will see life differently. It has long been adopted. Ah Wei La Belle.
12. French approach turns out not all gyms or sport is defined as torture. What is their secret,? They go on foot. Kilometers. But fun. Gulping streets with a friend, Driving a bike, Swim, Playing tennis. The main thing is not Gym. So you go find a trail and start walking.. It's also good steps.
13. Schuss of the book is a weekend of leek soup (only) Cleanses the body and urine. He advised when reaching the threshold of panic in your weight and starts the body's metabolism Boston. I remember him from my sister-in-law who was former French speeds me to drink it. “And be purified?”. No doubt you've spent time services, But it's entirely helpful.
I admit that I was implementing with great pleasure the Secrets of Alec Giuliano Since the end of Passover. For some reason, it's much easier than I thought. I changed the type of whole grain bread, The dark chocolate, Candy dates and other nuts, The small coffee cups more, Sugar cubes. I savor jam and butter, And a baguette and Roquefort, And – I'm losing weight and enjoying life. Local recipes interspersed books, Combining menus adapted to the season and their respective raw materials. What can I tell you, Suddenly the food more palatable. In short, Stop counting calories and start eating, But some.
*Customer images from pinterest
5 comments on The magic French
מאד שמחה שבחרת לשתף בבלוג המקסים שלך, It takes one to know one
ואין ספק שאת מזהה את השיק הצרפתי כי יש לך את זה גם, תודה על כל הפוסטים ,תמיד כיף לקרוא אותם!!!
תמיד אבל תמיד כיף לקרוא ולהנות מהבלוג שלך.
Ronnie (author)
תודה יקרות! שמחה מאוד לשמוע שאתן אוהבות 🙂
ואי הרגת אותי מצחוק….
Rina Pardo
Amazing !!!! אוהבת מאוד את סגנון הכתיבה והנוסח אבל התוכן – ממש הורס. קניתי את הספר בעקבות הפוסט והתחלתי ליישם. תקשיבי – it works. ממש תענוג. Thank you !!!