He is gentle and fragile but erect and Ethan.. Green or white., Noble and beautiful.. He is not so popular in these parts., Maybe that is not so expensive, or know what to do with it., But I wanted to tell you about the magic asparagus. Sexiest vegetable in Dutch. Not really clear whether plant or flower. If it's edible or decorative.. What is obvious is that we really must adopt it to us in the kitchen or at the table., Because he put some European glow our taxonomy hispos. It started from a very hot book that I purchased in the Netherlands (Yes, Written in Dutch and I translate a recipe recipe). Slowly fell in love.. Cooked carefully., Don't break or hurt. In the end, it worked..

So what's in it in this beautiful thing to know?? It grows wild in hot climate zones in Europe and Asia mainly. Loaded with vitamin B1 &- E, And in the past, the Romans used it as a medicinal plant for hepatitis.. It comes in white., Green or even oval (France), And it's very elegant.. Serves as an addition to holiday meals or table decorations and floral designs.
Asparagus is mostly prepared in cooking.. In the preparation phase, peel white and purple asparagus from head to tip, Since the shell is crude and lesbian. The edge of the stem is cut by several centimeters.. These remains can be used as a base for asparagus soup. There is no obligation green asparagus peel. Since the delicate asparagus tips faster softened the rest of the stem, Asparagus must be cooked in a standing position – It's better when the stems are tied together. – In a long narrow pot and at a moderate temperature. For the cooking water add salt, A little sugar , Lemon juice and a piece of butter. The water reaches up slightly below the heads of asparagus. Cooking duration varies between 20 30 minutes according to the thickness of the stems. Today is also acceptable form of preparation of crispy asparagus more: Cook the asparagus 3 To 4 Minutes and leave it in the water 6 To 8 More Minutes. Another form of cooking, Which preserves the asparagus aroma well, Requires much less fluid. Put the collused asparagus in a large pan, Filling with water, Cover with greased greaseproof paper and cook in the heat Nmoc.baofn traditionally served with asparagus and young potatoes cooked, Melted butter, Or Hollandaise sauce.

The book I purchased offers 70 Recipes of various types, Not to mention the wrecking pictures that come with these recipes.…. All with asparagus.. I tried the soup., The Risotto, The pastry and a few others that just came out of a delicacy. I translated for you is a recipe for a baked asparagus with white bread and Do (That we can replace with thin strips of beef sold ready at the grocery store). The pastry is not intended for kosher., Unless the element out of the equation and blood.. Try and tell me how.
Baked asparagus (4-6 Packet)
1 K.”C white asparagus (24 Units), Fresh peeled and
2 Onion finely chopped shallots
75 Butter
1/3 White wine
2-3 Lemon slices
400 G white bread, frozen and cut into slices (About- 6 Slices)
6-8 Slices are, Proshot or thin beef sausages
Little butter spread pattern
Two eggs
3 Egg yolks are added (I think optional)
150 G mascarpone cheese
Sailor, Pepper and a little nutmeg to season
100 G grated parmesan cheese
– Peel the asparagus tip's, Rinse and dry thoroughly with a kitchen towel.. Stand them in a bunch and drain the liquid into a bowl..
– In a hot skillet, Fry the onions in the butter piece they, Add the asparagus to the pan and fry lightly on each side, Add the asparagus water, The white wine and the lemon.. Cook for about 8 minutes over a small fire. Once cooked, remove the asparagus and set aside. Keep the sauce without the lemon slices.
– Heat oven to- 180 Degrees
– For a separate bowl pour the sauce from the fryer in the pan, All the eggs., Mascarpone cheese and spices and mix well.
– In the center of each slice of bread and topped with a slice of mother, Rolling three stalks of asparagus. A rectangular pan, Oiled with a little butter, Arrange a row of six such rolled slices, And on top of them pour the sauce evenly. Sprinkle with grated Parmesan over, and put in the hot oven for baking bat 30 M.
– Take out a delicious golden and eat with appetite! I think he's asked to add a boiled egg and salad.. Yum.
Except for the recipe., You can add asparagus as a design benefactor on the table, And if you fell in love..., Here's a link to another recipe of Asparagus Risotto Delicious!

4 comments on European prince: Asparagus on the table
Cutting Board
Asparagus is a vegetable dish a great pity that he was not getting the respect it deserves (Cloth”Submit it as a bowl peeled suspiciously similar manner to expose)
Asparagus cream soup is delicious and chestnuts that – Recommend you look for a recipe and prepare.
Hi Ronnie,
Could you give full details of the book?
And on this occasion – Thanks so much for blog. I enjoy it very much.
Ronnie (author)
Hey Moran,
Thank you, שמחה שאת נהנית 🙂
Title Dutch: Asparagus – 70 recipes for gourmets
Authors: Andreas Neubauer
Michael Wissing
Expenditure: Lantern
Hi Ronnie
Always, I very much enjoyed your blogs and uses content.
This blog, Great, Always, But for some reason, and unfortunately I do not connect asparagus.
I envy those who love him, Because this vegetable is so beautiful and elegant that use
Multi. I think something missing in my foodie I can eat asparagus.
And, Another important thing… Mln mln blessings day birthday (Even late, one) And wish you
Only very well be your world.