This is obviously and magical time of year.. You can smell the autumn air., Preparations for the upcoming holiday season underway, And from the scent of H-d-s. In the air.. I'm not sure how you feel, But I have fallen quiet inner relaxation, This year that's going to happen to us good things.. Last Friday we began this year with a wonderful flower in English-style entanglement (Scroll to the end of the post for pics from the workshop), I was very happy to see you and I'm your pharmacist the next workshop! In addition to shopping fever new year, I wanted to show you some lovely things of BIGGIE BEST We arrive soon from England., So you better leave some budget – Because that you won't see anywhere else.. (The bedspreads are just another vendor's English, No less loved.)
This year I decided not to make plans. I don't move without some iilstonim, Map lists until further notice and keeping me on the lightning in his eyes.. Maybe it's age., Maybe this time…I decided to release the control freak, sit down and let the universe decide for me where we're going.. What is certain is that my apsport will be involved in the decision.. As you can see right down., No matter how I try to stay away from him., Textiles catches a large portion of my life, and he's the one that I most enjoyed dealing with him. (Among the other century.). The delicate and beautiful items to come., Different than you're used to seeing in sbivatino, And suitable chiefly for special people like you who don't like to be like everyone else.. If you know some more of these, Would love for you to share them with our secret Club. Give you a leaflet with pictures, שיהיה לכם סוף שבוע סתיווי ונעים! (pay attention, Web store undergoes an upgrade and will be updated soon with new items)

I was very happy to meet you at the workshop making last Friday. So fun to face friend email address, And talk about life and exchange experiences. Do it again soon. – Ensures!
Anyone not enough or not doing her English-style entanglement workshop, We opened another time on Sukkot 19.10, Wednesday from 18:00 For three hours., in Tel Aviv. Wishing to register are welcome to send me an email with the page number.”contact” And we will get back to you. pay attention, Recent places left certainly. Discount given/blog readers.

4 comments on New year opening
תמיד יהיה לי זמן לעצור ולקרוא את הבלוג שלך.
Ronnie (author)
תודה רבה טליה יקרה 🙂
עדי פורמן
Hi Ronnie,
אשמח לדעת אם יש תאריכים נוספים לסדנת השזירה (בתאריכים הקודמים לא התאפשר לי…)
many thanks!
Ronnie (author)
היי עדי,
I just finished two interlacing workshops. Maybe later. Follow the blog.