Today it is noted throughout the world the international day. Celebrated just in 21 In March this day hours of darkness and light are equal exactly. For me it's totally holiday day. As you know, I think the colors and shapes (As the animals :-)), And then words.. If you think about it., The colors have a huge influence on every part of our aikita day until bedtime.. They affect our mood, About our appetite, The choices we make and the items we purchase. I can't even imagine a world in black and white, And evidence. My instagram page. A lot about the meaning of colors in different cultures, In business, Marketing and fashion., And mostly we already know. Here are some facts about Foxy color.

  1. Men and women see the Red range differently.. While we women see shades of Brown, Orange and purple, Men see it red. In the estrogen.
  2. Pink is considered a soothing color. Use it to paint the walls in the bedroom area combat fighters and prisoners.. Did you know???
  3. Colors are responsible for 62-90% First impressions. Wearing bright colors and a larger ttachbo to your friends.
  4. כחול הוא הצבע האהוב ביותר על גברים ונשים כאחד. רק אני נתקעתי על ירוק 🙂
  5. כרומופוביה הוא פחד מצבעים. Yes. There is such a thing. אנשים הסובלים מהפרעה כזו יעדיפו גווני שחור-לבן-אפור מפאת בחילות, סחרורות וחרדה.
  6. צהוב וכתום הם צבעים מעוררי תיאבון. לא מומלץ לעצב איתם מטבחים. לוגו מקדונלד אומר לכם משהו 😉
  7. אדום זהו הצבע הראשון שתינוקות רואים. זהו גל האור הארוך ביותר בסקאלת הצבעים, It manages the process baby.
  8. Mosquitoes love blue. Just saying.
  9. White is considered the best cars by safety research.
  10. Colors don't even exist.. They are only in our heads.. They signal that our brain processes externally.. Takayuki, The world in black and white at all.! :-O


What colors do you like on your salad?? What color shirt you want to wear this morning., And if you decide to purchase the item from the screen you winking Internet shop? Point affects almost every decision that we. If you don't understand why, think again.. Each momentary inclination to point means your latent desire for something.. In the world of marketing and trade given the reviews and this evening., And commercial sites colors affect the subconscious actions. As a designer and marketing, Color is the most important tool of mine.. With messages., Design spaces, Defines modes. As part of my commercial printing unit at HP, I get to see everyday color print quality for, On packaging, Crates, Bottles, Stickers, Labels, Posters and billboards, Fabrics and more. All around us 24/7 And an integral part of our lives.. And believe me – This is amazing..

Black and white. There is such a beast..

Everybody has their favorite color. When shnlevsh it feel best about ourselves.. He represents us and what we. So let's honor this important day gives so much meaning into our lives.. Because between us. – Color, It is totally a matter of nature..