How are you expensive?? Hope you're all well., Faced heroically every day during this challenging time. Follow up on my previous post about beauty, And you'll be sure if there's a lot of time going on between a post and a post, גם לי קשה לפעמים למצוא השראה או אנרגיות, אבל אני מתעקשת 🙂 רציתי לדבר איתכם היום על אמנות הסטיילינג. וזה נושא ממש חשוב בעיניי, כי סטיילינג, לא מיועד רק לצילומים או הפקות. Our whole life consists of one styling or another.. But styling in our house, Telling our story, Creates moods and pleasant moments and also sometimes brings us emotionally back to points in time in our life journey. סטיילינג זה מדע מדויק, And there are very few people in the world in my opinion who have this precise eye capable of creating a collag’ Or a collection of objects into a balanced and accurate story, That will make us feel something, And even wanting to come back to it again and again. Today I wanted to introduce you to two masters (At least to me) who manage to charm me time and time again with their devastating styling. Click here. (Design and cover photo courtesy of Michelle Mason of Mason&Painter)

Opens at Michelle Mason (Michelle Mason) A talented designer and partner in one of my favorite stores in London Mason&Painter, Importing vintage objects’ French and outdoor furniture, She marvels at combining them just perfectly with flowers. The store is located on Columbia Road where the famous Flower Market takes place every Sunday (In normal times, Yes?) This gives her access to a maddening selection of flowers and plants. Michelle is also the author of the book Botanical Style at Home, Demonstrating an original floral combination in home styling. Her exact hand will create a frame full of details for you, In them, every detail and object entails a lifetime and carnations., When the latter carries a promise to breathe magic into his new home. The color combination, Motifs, And the types of plants add up to a harmonious and inspiring picture. You won't stop looking. Since the outbreak of COVID-19, Some items are also on sale Site store.

The second master I wanted to introduce you to was Sean Scherer. (Sean Scherer) The Champ from the Chic New York Store Kabinettandkammer It also offers a collection of carefully selected objects, Integrated into such new ones that it produces. His clients as an interior designer and artist benefit from his talent for precise styling, He is also the author of a book on the subject called Creating authentic interiors In it, he presents houses he designed and the story they tell. In his gallery you will find a variety of collections, Sculptures, Maritime Nautica Items, Old tools, Furniture and lighting details, And it's all arranged in spectacular perfection..

What the two designers have in common is their inspiring precision in creating three-dimensional gallery compositions. Every collection of objects that comes out from under their hand looks just perfect and smart.. The relationship between the items, The gallery's most notial theme, Dosage of objects, The placement whether on the wall or on a piece of furniture or on the floor is laid nonchalantly. It just seems easy. – It is not.

Trend wall galleries and collections although not new to us, And he's been starring in stores and magazines for the past few years. (Especially the botanical.), But in the past two years, a dimension has been added to it, And it went from a flat wall gallery to something with depth, Conveys sensations, Memories and even a complete experience of time and place. Such magic corners in shops or homes evoke emotions, They envelop and flood us with nostalgia and have become a design signature (signature style) of some artists recently. The maximalism trend in its new name requires sophisticated styling capabilities that include layered design, Symmetry, Precise balance and rich storytelling.

So how can you do it alone?? Here are some guidelines you can start exercising::
- Choose a topic that is close to your heart and identified with you. It can be botany, sea, Animals etc’ And gather interesting objects on the subject.
- The objects can be fundamentally different, Starting with print prints, Suitable porcelains, Straw baskets, Hats, Books, Furniture, Frames etc’
- Objects should be different sizes
- Furniture, A small bench or crate or items that can be placed on the floor will create the 3D effect and give depth to the composition.
- Choose one piece of furniture that will be the anchor of the composition and from it go outside with the arrangement. It could be a table., Library, Shelf, Dresser but to be super interesting.
- It is recommended that you plan the arrangement on a page earlier.
- Vintage items’ Usually “Bouncing” The composition and making it more interesting.
- Pay attention to the tones of the items. It is advisable that at least three of them have a toned relationship.
- Arranging the items doesn't have to be perfect, But balanced. Every object should have a purpose and should talk to those around it in the same texture, Color or theme.
- The best advice is to exercise, Take pictures and see if you fell in love or not, Keep trying until you get an accurate composition. There is no doubt that flowers add a lot.
And here it is also inside Sean Scherer's house Photo: Sean Scherer of Kabinettandkammer Photo: Sean Scherer of Kabinettandkammer Sean's limited edition photo book: Sean Scherer of Kabinettandkammer
So now that we're all locked in a third lockdown again, אולי תקבלו השראה ליצירת הפינה המושלמת הבאה אצלכם בפואייה 🙂 ועד שהחיסון יגיעו לכולנו, נמשיך להתאמן ביופי. שיהיה לכם המשך שבוע מושלם, שלחו תמונות אם הצלחתם!
One comment on Trend maximumism: 3D Gallery Design
Varda Baruch
Roni, Every time I receive an email from you, my heart races with joy