Hello favorites, Recently I came across some recipes of orange lentil and chard soup, But after several attempts, This is the one to which we have all become addicted. A soup rich in deep flavors with a lemony twist that you won't want to stop eating until the whole pot is over. It is very simple to prepare and is just right for cool fall or winter days (Not exactly our hottest January, But still.… Worthwhile). I know I'm not really active on the blog anymore, אבל מאחר והוא משמש כספר המתכונים שלי, מוסיפה לכם כאן גם את המרק הזה. 🙂 חוצמזה הכל בסדר יחסית למצב הכללי המטורלל בארצנו הקטנה והחמימה. אני תמיד שמחה לשמור איתכם על קשר. שתהיה שבת טובה!
Orange lentil soup, Chard and coriander (Delicious end!!!)
מספיק לכ- 6 Packet
1 1 cup washed orange lentils (Allow a little more depending on the quantity)
1 Large red onion cut into small cubes
3-4 Cloves garlic, chopped
3 Tablespoons olive oil
5 Ali Chard, The white and green part
A handful of coarsely chopped coriander leaves
1 1 liter of boiling water
1/3 1 tsp. ground black pepper
1/3 1 teaspoon cumin
1/3 1 teaspoon sweet paprika
1 Teaspoon salt (You'll probably need more)
קמצוץ פלפל צ’ילי טרי יבש (תבלין)
קמצוץ כורכום (לקצת טעם ובעיקר צבע)
1 Tablespoon tomato paste (לצבע)
1 לימון להגשה
– Rinse the lentils well and soak in a bowl with plenty of water for about 10-15 minutes. Filters.
– Cut the onion into small cubes and in a medium soup saucepan, heat olive oil and fry the onion until tender , Add a little salt to it.
– Cut the white part of the washed mangalod leaves into small cubes, and the green part for thin strips.
– To the saucepan with the soft onion add garlic, Chard cubes (The White Part) and chili and fry, While stirring, For 5 M.
– Add boiling water to the washed lentils ,The green part of the chard leaves, A handful of coriander and spices and the spoonful and tomato paste and cook for 15-25 For minutes or until the lentils soften and thicken the broth. Taste and seasoning if necessary. You'll probably need to add salt, More cumin and some chilli.
– Squeeze a little lemon over each bowl of soup – And that's the shus of the soup so don't get chopped or give up on the lemon.
– It is recommended to eat with toast of baguette or toasted bread in the soup. Heaven. Appetite!