ארכיון שנה טובה - Home in Style - Home Design Blog

Posts with tag“שנה טובה

Antique Blue and White Plate

While it looks like the world has lost direction, The Corona is spreading and it's unclear where this situation is taking us., I'm home like everybody else. – Clinging to beauty, In the good and familiar things, That make sense, And give confidence. That's what we'll get over, too., It's nature's way. – Challenge us, Keep us alert. Alert to our existence, To our very very 2000s, And for our environment. The Corona may seem to some of us like the end of the world., But she didn't.. Were here before her., And there will be a follow-up.. Many hours of recreation very close to nature have brought me to the conclusion that the world has its own order., Or we'll fit in., Or disappeared.. (You know what I mean?, Right?) אני בוחרת להשתלב, Changing mindsets (And eating!) Old and harmful,…

Hello dear, After a week packed with events, Hospitalizations, Fainting spells, I arrived with my tongue out to new year's, Food poisoning and one must not stand in the way to get it right.. Precisely these moments, When you're not so good., You think to yourself, what are the most important things and who are the people you are really alive.. I want to thank all the wonderful friends and neighbors who care about me and around me as to it from estate! Not like you.. I wanted to wish my wonderful readers., A great new year., Full of abundance., Years of love and peace, A year of joy and pleasure. All the way you are, Because life doesn't always send us…