This year I want to congratulate you on several things you might have forgotten them with survival chase that we encountered him recently. I wish you a lot of inner peace and calm, Brotherhood and friendship, We do simple things like a good partner sitting around a table tasty, Friendship and good neighborliness as ever, A family trip to the amazing nature of our, Help the needy even if Baktana. We have confidence and unity of, And a lot of tolerance. And who knows, Perhaps if we better, This year will be bright and good to us back!
at this opportunity, I would also like to invite you for sale HOME IN STYLE SHOP To be held in my seat shift, Sukkot, Days 29-30/9/2015 (Tuesday-Wednesday), From 9:30-14:00. Save the date and full details will come later. Meanwhile,, Have a happy holiday and tasty!
One comment on happy New Year!
shai avidan
Beautiful blessing, Artist remember…
happy New Year